The concert experience as a blind person

Hello everyone,
So today’s blog isn’t really anything specifically to do with visual impairment or blindness. Personally, I think that many sighted peple have the idea that just because we’re blind or visually impaired or have another disability we can’t have the same lifestyle or do every day activities as everyone else but truth be told, we can!

I love music and I’m a bit of a fangirl 😉 so I thought I’d do a post on my experience of concerts as a blind person.
I absolutely love going to concerts to see my favourite band/artist…I’d go to more if I could!

Purchasing tickets
Buying tickets for a concert can be stressful but having a disability can make it a whole lot easier – we can get disabled access. Most venues have these sort of tickets – all you have to do is phone or send an email to ask how you get them. Personally, I would advise enquiring before the tickets are released as there is usually a limited amount of disabled access tickets available and you don’t want to miss out. A lot of venues/ticket companies often do a disabled person and a carer so this makes things easier if you are going with a friend or a family member and a lot cheaper!

The venue
Depending on the venue or the type of concert/show there is usually different seating plans. If you purchase disabled access tickets for standing room then you often get taken in early so this is good. If the tickets are seated which most are, there is usually a specific area where you sit. This does not have a restricted view so if you have some sight or are going with a sighted person this is an advantage for them. The disabled area is often a place with a very good view of the stage.
If you need assistance or have a guide dog you can take them to the venues and you can arrange for it to be looked after.
All venues do have accessible lifts/toilets.

The concert
This depends entirely on the band/artist/type of show you are going to. There maybe a lot of dancing etc so this may not be any good for you to understand what is going on. Personally I have seen singers/bands that I like and I focus on vocals/songs because I think these are key. You must sing along!
I’ve seen many people but I have to admit the best person that I have seen live is Jessie J. Yes she does dance around on the stage but it isn’t just about that, she also does very inspiring speeches at her gigs and these have an impact on me. Whenever I go to one of her shows I always come away feeling happy, reflective and inspired by what she has said or her songs.
By far the best moment at a concert is when the crowd sing back the songs, there is no other moment like that.

I think that you don’t have to be fully sighted to go to concerts, they are for everyone.

I know this post is’t for everyone but if you would like me t post any specific topics please do let me know 🙂